Monday 9 March 2015

A Bit More About Me!

So a lot of you may be thinking "I'm listening to this random girl and I don't even know who she is!". Well, I'm going to sort that out now :)

Hi guys! I'm Lucy, a 13 year old girl who is obsessed with the internet. I come from the UK and I actually wish I came from Australia… :( Buuut anyways! Ariana Grande is my QUEEN! She is just beyond perfection :)<3 One of my main passions is beauty and youtube. If you want to, go and check out my youtube and subscribe:) Last but not least, a lot of people don't really see this (more like hear) this from me but I love to sing. I am very shy when it comes to singing because I have a terrible fear of stage fright. Oh, and one more thing. I am beyond obsessed with PRETTY LITTLE LIARS! If you don't know what that is then, honestly I think you've been living in another world, so I'm going to quickly summarize it for you :) Basically, theres this girl called Alison and one summer she goes missing. A year later they find her body. At her funeral, her four best friends (Aria, Hanna, Emily and Spencer) start getting these threatening message from somebody called 'A'. It goes on for ages and just loads of freaky stuff starts happening. If you want to watch it for yourself, it's on Netflix :)

So yeah! That's a bit more about me and I hope you liked this blog post :)


Sunday 1 March 2015

Pinch, Punch, First Day Of The Month!

Hey lovelies! So it's the 1st of March today and it is now officially Spring!!! Spring is my all time favourite season because it is just so colourful and flowers start growing! Now I am beginning to sound like one of those nature programmes!:D

Today is Sunday and I am going to be going out for lunch with my family, so yeah. I am probably going to be blogging and I will take some pictures to post and yeah, that's mainly it! x


Tuesday 24 February 2015

Elle UK - Benefit's 'Roller Lash' Mascara Review♡

So, I don't really do reviews on my blog, but for this, I HAD to! This mascara is by far the best mascara I have ever tried! I volumizes, doesn't clump and there is no need to use an eyelash curler! You can still get it free with the Elle magazine, but it is now on sale in Benefit shops and on their website. It is full size and £19.50. I definitely prefer this to the 'They're Real' mascara by Benefit!
Also, I am so fangirling right now because @elleuk liked my photo!!! Ahh!!
Thanks for reading! I hope this helps you out when you need a new mascara!♡

It's Been A Long Time!

Hi lovelies! It feels like ages since I last posted! Sorry if it has been ages! x I have just been so busy recently, like during the half term, I was out and about most of the days! But hopefully now that I'm back in my school routine, I will be more on top of everything, like knowing when to post and upload a Youtube video! (btw I have now started my Youtube channel, so the link for it will be and the end of this post <3)

So, what were you up to during the half term? Well I was doing a lot of shopping, lets just say! Did a bit of damage to my parents' banks :p I'm just joking! I used my pocket money x

Sorry this i s such a short post! I have recently been struggling so much with what to post! Please leave your post suggestions below because it would a bunch!

Thank you so much for reading!xxx Also, please subscribe to my youtube ~ link down below xx



Sunday 15 February 2015

Half Term & PLL

Hey guys! So sorry I haven't posted in like two weeks! I have just been so busy with school and stuff!x But yeah, now it's half term! Whoop! Whoop! I am so relieved that we have a whole 10 days off school :p 

Recently, I have been obsessed with Pretty Little Liars :) It's so good! If you have Netflix, I would totally recommend it to you! It's just amazing! I'm on season 2 episode 22. I have to admit, it is a bit freaky in some episodes but there is so much drama!

Sorry this is a short post, but now it's half term, hopefully I will be a bit more active :)

Also, I have just hit 400 followers on Instagram! Tysm to all those who follow me! Ilyasfm! (a bit of mature language there :D) So, why dont you go and check it out! I follow back too x

xo xo

My Instagram :)x

Friday 30 January 2015

Bordem Kills Me...

I have no idea what my title is supposed to mean :D but today, my school had an inset day (a day when the whole school has a day off, incase you didn't know :p) and I went and got a new makeup remover/cleanser, the L'oreal Micellar Water :) Apart from that, most of the day I have been on my laptop watching netflix, youtube and vines (especially Nash Grier and Cam Dallas :p <3) #baes :D

Guys, I really need help! Recently, I have had no idea what to post on my blog! Please can you leave me some suggestions below :) It would be much appreciated and credit will definitely be given x x 


Sunday 25 January 2015

Juss Stuff!x

Hello, lovelies! So this is going to be like a random post ;) I wanted to ask you something quickly…

So, after thinking for a long while, I want to get my hair cut. Now before you say ANYTHING, I am in no way, shape or form copying Zoella! Yeah, she's awesome, but I have been debating on whether to get my hair cut or not, so please no horrid comments :)x So my hair is near the bottom of my back and I want to get it cut to about 2 r 3 inches under my shoulder. But I still am not too sure yet whether I want to… Please can you leave e your opinions down below x

Also, I have a YouTube channel that has nothing uploaded yet and I am really stuck for ideas XD So again, can you leave some video suggestions below please x

That's it for today x x Thankyou for reading! x


Thursday 22 January 2015

Amnesia #mehh

Hello, lovelies! Yeah I know the title is a… um… bit weird… :P but recently (although it's quite an old song) I've been literally OBSESSED with the song 'Amnesia' by 5SOS :) But yeahh! x

School was so funny today! So at lunch, me and my friend Khadija were walking up the stairs when we hear the Deputy Head (Mr Anthony) shout out these two girls :D So he sent them to his office and a load of other Year 7 girls came running out asking me and Khadija what happened. So, Mr Anthony told the Head of Year 9 (Mrs Mulryan - she is like… so strict!!) and then when she came out she started shouting saying "OUTSIDE OR IN THE HALL!!" (because during lunch, we are only REALLY allowed in the library - which was full, outside or in the hall) and the Year 7's started running and me Khadija wet just like WTF and we were just walking calmly. So, Mr Anthony and Mrs Mulryan were looking for the students that ran and a load of them ran into the library and the rest ran up the stairs. Mr Anthony went and got the students that ran up the stairs and Mrs Mulryan went and got the others who went into the library. This is the funny part… they students who ran all got 1 HOUR DETENTION!!! :D Btw, my school is like… SOOOOOO STRICT!!!

So yeah! That was my day! So far it has been OK <3 Comment below how your day was :)


Tuesday 20 January 2015

My Update!x

I just wanted to apologise because I haven't posted in AGES!! But this post is just going to an update and stuff like that and things that have happened recently! x x 

So on Sunday, it was my 13th birthday!!! I'm finally 13!! Yay! So I went to Westfield, Stratford City with my mum and went into: H&M (my all time favourite clothing store!), Boots, the Benefit stand in Boots, Model's Own, Hollister, JD and Cath Kidston :) If I were to list everything that I got, we would be here until my 14th! **DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT TRYING TO BOAST OR BRAG OR SHOW OFF IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM! IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH ME TELLING YOU ABOUT MY BIRTHDAY, PLEASE JUST LEAVE THIS PAGE AND DON'T WRITE ANY "HATE" COMMENTS! I LOVE YOU ALL AND I WOULD NEVER DELIBERATLY TRY AND SHOW OFF X X**

I have also been loving 'Pretty Little Liars'! It's just absolutely awesome! If you want to watch this, if you have a Netflix account, it's on there :) If you don't have Netflix, ask a parent/carer if you could sign up for it and you'll get a 30 day trial :)

Again, I am so sorry that I haven't posted! I will definitely be posting more because I now have a routine! x

xo xo

Sunday 4 January 2015

Back To School!!!

No!!! So tomorrow we go back to school! I'm so not ready! I still have to do my homework! I really need help :/

Today, I'm going to Sainsbury's with my mum and sister! So exciting! (*sarcastically speaking*) After that I have to do my homework and get my things ready for school…

I'M DREADING SCHOOL! Why can't we have just like and extra 5 billion weeks off school? 

Last night I was so inspired! If you want to know why, read my last blog post :)

So, that's all I have to say for now, but later I will post again and tell you how this all worked out :)

xo xo

Saturday 3 January 2015

I Just Want To Say Thanks...

So, this may be a bit late for me to be posting now, but I better do it now otherwise I will forget!

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to Mollie Quirk!

Tonight, she has given me so much advice and help on how to make people hear about my blog and how to get more views and followers!

She is truly amazing and her blog is awesome and I really think that you should check it out and follow :) Link is below :)

Her Instagram is also amazing, so I'm going to link that below too :D

Mollie's Blog x
Mollie's Instagram x

By the way, Mollie if you're reading this, thank you SOOOOOO much xxx

xo xo

My New Blog!

Hey guys!

So this is my blog. You're probably wondering why I have decided to start a blog. Well, I got my inspiration from youtubers, such as Sprinkle of Glitter, Zoella and Tanya Burr. But most of it came from Zoe's book 'Girl Online' :) I promise, not in any way shape or form am I trying to copy Girl Online! I am just doing this because I got inspiration and I thought that it would be kind of fun!

So this blog is going to be about things that I love, my everyday life and what I get up to, so kind of like a diary, but I'm going to be sharing it with you guys! 

Now, enough of the rambling! I think that it's time that I introduce myself!

I'm Lucy and I'm a 13 year old girl who is a flower, makeup, beauty, tangled, frozen, disney, starbucks obsessor. Yep, I know! That's a lot to obsess about! But it's most of the things that I love and I'm passionate about!

I mean, look at it this way. I'm exactly the same as other girls out there, with just different interests. Yeah, I may be different in different ways, but we're all human beings, right? Well, unless you're a vampire or something :D I'm trying to be funny, it's not working…

I have a YouTube account which currently has nothing uploaded yet, but hopefully I will have a video up tomorrow. The link will be at the bottom of this post :)

I also have an Instagram account which I really love and all my followers are amazing! The link will also be at the bottom of this post :)

Anyways, thank you for taking your time to type in the link, waiting for it to load and reading this post. I really appreciate it :)

Oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR! <3 :)

xo xo

My Instagram Account x
My YouTube Channel x