Tuesday 24 February 2015

Elle UK - Benefit's 'Roller Lash' Mascara Review♡

So, I don't really do reviews on my blog, but for this, I HAD to! This mascara is by far the best mascara I have ever tried! I volumizes, doesn't clump and there is no need to use an eyelash curler! You can still get it free with the Elle magazine, but it is now on sale in Benefit shops and on their website. It is full size and £19.50. I definitely prefer this to the 'They're Real' mascara by Benefit!
Also, I am so fangirling right now because @elleuk liked my photo!!! Ahh!!
Thanks for reading! I hope this helps you out when you need a new mascara!♡

It's Been A Long Time!

Hi lovelies! It feels like ages since I last posted! Sorry if it has been ages! x I have just been so busy recently, like during the half term, I was out and about most of the days! But hopefully now that I'm back in my school routine, I will be more on top of everything, like knowing when to post and upload a Youtube video! (btw I have now started my Youtube channel, so the link for it will be and the end of this post <3)

So, what were you up to during the half term? Well I was doing a lot of shopping, lets just say! Did a bit of damage to my parents' banks :p I'm just joking! I used my pocket money x

Sorry this i s such a short post! I have recently been struggling so much with what to post! Please leave your post suggestions below because it would a bunch!

Thank you so much for reading!xxx Also, please subscribe to my youtube ~ link down below xx



Sunday 15 February 2015

Half Term & PLL

Hey guys! So sorry I haven't posted in like two weeks! I have just been so busy with school and stuff!x But yeah, now it's half term! Whoop! Whoop! I am so relieved that we have a whole 10 days off school :p 

Recently, I have been obsessed with Pretty Little Liars :) It's so good! If you have Netflix, I would totally recommend it to you! It's just amazing! I'm on season 2 episode 22. I have to admit, it is a bit freaky in some episodes but there is so much drama!

Sorry this is a short post, but now it's half term, hopefully I will be a bit more active :)

Also, I have just hit 400 followers on Instagram! Tysm to all those who follow me! Ilyasfm! (a bit of mature language there :D) So, why dont you go and check it out! I follow back too x

xo xo

My Instagram :)x